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The Pilates Source ®, RDG, LLC. and Mr. Gallagher are committed to researching various aspects of Joseph Pilates life's work by obtaining empirical evidence that is relevant to the practice and principles of Authentic Pilates . Our goal in exploring the science of Contrology is to provide clients, instructors, physical therapists, various health professionals, and the general public with a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of how Authentic Pilates impacts physical health and overall well-being.

By using established research methodology to investigate the Authentic Pilates , we plan to quantify, clarify, and lend objectivity to the countless positive personal experiences and stories about this exercise system. Initially, The Pilates Source ® and RDG, LLC., will collect, analyze, and disseminate relevant information about Authentic Pilates as related to: (1) physical health; (2) psychology; and (3) demographic patterns. The Pilates Source ® and RDG, LLC. will also develop hypotheses about meaningful patterns from the data that are collected, then write articles for publication on the Internet and in reputable scientific journals to contribute original knowledge in the fields of sports medicine, physical therapy, and psychology. Because research programs develop over time, The Pilates Source ® and RDG, LLC. will include additional areas of inquiry and investigation as their relevance emerges. We welcome suggestions and feedback about possible valuable research topics.

In the tradition of Joseph H. Pilates, who believed that mental health and physical health were essential to one another, research will help to refine and articulate our already meaningful assumptions, intuitions, and perceptions that Authentic Pilates truly is a mind-body technique. Research will also investigate and examine long-held claims that The Authentic Pilates of body conditioning as taught by The New York Pilates Studio can help heal injuries, improve alignment, concentration, and breathing, in addition to increasing flexibility, strength, balance, muscle tone, energy, and mental concentration. Another important value of conducting research about Authentic Pilates is to investigate and substantiate Joseph H. Pilates' original beliefs about human mind-body interaction. As well as to assure the puplic that the information from the source for Authentic Pilates is not only original but also a sound exercise system that if taught as Joe Pilates did will in fact provide many of the benefits that have been claimed for it.

The first research instrument of The New York Pilates Studio® is called the Pilates Assessment Scale©. The Pilates Assessment Scale© Self-Report Survey Version (PAS-SRSV) is a client self-report screening device and outcomes scale created by Peter Fiasca, Ph.D. and Sean Gallagher, P.T., to assess aspects of general well-being as related to engaging in Authentic Pilates of body conditioning. The PAS-SRSV rates baseline client self-reports prior to beginning instruction in Authentic Pilates and to assess changes in aspects of general well-being after instruction. Completing the PAS-SRSV inventory can serve as an important communication and diagnostic aid to assist individual clients in optimizing their full health potential. The PAS-SRSV includes the following dimensions:

  • Overall energy level;
  • Self-acceptance & self-esteem;
  • Concentration & memory;
  • Optimism;
  • Coping with daily problems;
  • Sleep patterns;
  • Ability to relax;
  • Personal growth & fulfillment;
  • Overall body image satisfaction;
  • Social involvement, friendships;
  • Family relations;
  • Overall emotional balance;
  • Intimate relationships;
  • Sexual relations;
  • Spiritual life;
  • Recreation;
  • Job satisfaction;
  • Material satisfaction.

  • Completed anonymously by clients who are presently working in, or have previously taken lessons in The Authentic Pilates of body conditioning

    The Pilates Assessment Scale© Self-Report Survey Version (PAS-SRSV) is a client self-report screening device and outcomes scale created by Sean Gallagher, P.T., and Peter Fiasca, Ph.D., as a guide to assess aspects of general well-being as they relate to engaging in The Authentic Pilates of body conditioning. The PAS-SRSV can rate baseline client self-reports prior to engaging in Authentic Pilates , in addition to assessing changes in aspects of general well-being after engaging in The Authentic Pilates of body conditioning. Having Pilates clients complete the PAS-SRSV inventory can serve as an important communication and diagnostic aid to assist individuals in optimizing their full health potential.

    If you would like to complete the Pilates Assessment Scale© please go to the following web page by clicking here.